
I'll start off with this quiet little disclaimer

i do not have professional knowledge of 3D modelling

Everything I know I learnt through youtube tutorials, asking people at my job who get paid to do this, and lots...LOTS of trial and error!

Seriously, just fuck around for a while after learning some basic things. Does wonders. It's like what happens when you're a kid- you learn through structured play. Realise you're just a kid when it comes to making 3D models and that you need to play and make mistakes and find out how to have FUN

...Just remember to save and back your files up

There is a focus here on the Anthro Anim range of bodies


Don't get the official devkits, while they DO give you the body, there are some issues with them:

  • The models do not have face data that matches the inworld models
  • The models are weighted incorrectly (expecially with the PELVIS group)
  • Anything weighted to the right lower arm will collapse
  • There is no UV data
  • The armature animation is too short and starts too early
  • It's not obvious how to export any clothes
  • The models don't work with avastar (minor or major issue depending on you)
  • Blender version is rotated wrong

I'll put a link below for a devkit that I use that fixes a lot of those issues.

The Devkit

How to weight clothes

First you've got to transfer weights to the clothes. Then do the following